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A Film About Sleep Paralysis




Lucy is a high school student struggling with anxiety and paranoia.  Her mental health is compromised due to an attempt to deal with social and academic pressure, leading to her episode of sleep paralysis.

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What Is The Film Project Lucid?

Lucid is a Suspense Film that explores the phenomenon of sleep paralysis.


The social, academic, and professional pressure of our lives can slowly eat away at our own well-being, leading to poor mental health and moral.


Lucid is a new take on suspense films, illustrating how the most terrifying thing in our lives can be ourselves.

What's New?

Spec Film vs Official Film

The official version of the film will cover more story behind Lucy and her sleep paralysis.  It will illustrate how Lucy's struggle as a student, her reaction to the academic and social environment, and how she tried addressing her problem which led her to develop sleep paralysis.

When shooting the spec version of Lucid, we had a limited budget.  This confined the resources we could obtain and the vision we wanted to execute.  But with the money we aim to raise for the official film, we can hire talent, recruit crew members, and rent and purchase additional equipment, props, and supplies.

We will film around March 2020 and hold limited release screenings around May 2020.

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